The present course numbering system comprises a 3-character, alpha-numeric code. The first and second characters are numerals, while the third is a letter.
Course Numbering
First Character
- 1 - for courses developed for Grade 9
- 2 - for courses developed for Grade 10
- 3 - for courses developed for Grade 11
- 4 - for courses developed for Grade 12
Second Character
- 0 - developed by Education and Advanced Learning for 1 credit
- 5 - developed by Education and Advanced Learning for ½ credit
- 1 - developed by schools or school divisions and registered by Education and Advanced Learning
- 2 - externally developed by an educational authority and, in the case of dual credit, a post-secondary institution (e.g., university, out-of-country).
Third Character
- G - General
- F - Foundation
- S - Specialized
- E - EAL
- M - Modified
- I - Individualized
- C - College-based
- U - University-based
Course Designation
- Foundation (F): Educational experiences which are broadly based and appropriate for all students and which may lead to further studies beyond the Senior Years (e.g. apprenticeship, college, and university). When a subject area is compulsory for graduation and there is only one course option, the designation will be F.
- General (G): General educational experiences or courses with no Department-developed curricula such as School-Initiated Courses (SICs), Student-Initiated Projects (SIPs), Special Language Credits or Non-Manitoba Credits.
- Specialized (S): Educational experiences in specialized areas leading to further studies beyond the Senior Years (e.g., apprenticeship, college, and university). When a subject area is compulsory and there is more than one option, the designation will be S.
- EAL (E): Educational experiences designed to focus on English as an Additional Language (EAL) learning goals in the context of the subject, based on the student's assessed level of EAL proficiency, and to assist the student in making the transition into regular Senior years programming in this content area. An EAL Individual Educational Plan (EAL-IEP) is required for each student.
- Modified (M): Educational experiences intended for students with significant cognitive disabilities and where the provincial subject area curriculum outcomes have been modified to take into account the learning requirements of a student; an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is required for each student.
- Individualized (I): Educational experiences intended for students with significant cognitive disabilities and that are developmentally and age appropriate and highly individualized to take into account the learning requirements of the student; an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is required for each student. NOTE: Students in individualized programming do not use Education and Advanced Learning curricula. The designation indicates student participation in individualized programming. For example, 11I indicates year one of student participation in locally developed programming individualized for the student; 71I indicates year seven of such participation.
- College-based (C): Educational experiences at the college level that can be used for dual credits; credit at the Grade 11 and Grade 12 levels and also for the first year of college.
- University-based (U): Educational experiences at the first year university level that can be used for dual credits (credit at the Grade 12 level, and, in some cases, Grade 11) for high school graduation purposes and also for first year university.